Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Kittens

When we arrived in Idaho Ted's cat Zues was missing. We thought he might be over at the neighbors but unfortunately yesterday Ted found his cat dead on the side of the road. Ted adopted a 6 month old cat he has named Bella (top) Travis has claimed a kitten at Grandma's house named Kelly. (bottom) Of course the cats will stay at grandma and grandpa's house. But the boys love to play with them. Kelly has torn apart the Christmas tree and Bella will demand attention when she wants it.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ted's Mommie and Me day 12/23/09

Ted choose to go to the Queen Mary for his mommy and me day. He is interested in ghost hunting. We took the ghostly encounters tour and went to some eerie places where there have been ghost sightings. Bottom you Ted in the engine room. Right you see Ted in the empty boiler room. Ted believes that he got a picture of paranormal activity (top picture) when he took a picture of a dark hallway in the dressing rooms located in the 1st class swimming pool which is suppose to be a vortex. You be the judge.

Travis' Mommie and Me Day 12/22/09

Thursday 12/17/09 Travis was playing dodge ball at the Boys and Girls club and managed to get his hand stepped on and broke his index finger just above the hand. So for the 2nd year in a row we will go to Idaho with someone in a cast (Ted broke his foot last year the week before Christmas).

Tuesday 12/22/09 was Travis' mommie and me day. We went to Disneyland and had breakfast at the Story tellers cafe with the characters. Here is a hint: do not go to Disneyland the week before Christmas it was nothing but people.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Time at Disneyland

We made are yearly trip to Disneyland to see the holiday decorations. We say saw Santa and took in all the decorations. Left: in front of It's a small World Right: in front of Sleeping Beauty's Castle

Water Polo

Its been very busy. Football has ended but Ted has developed a passion for water polo and now plays on the Los Alamitos Club Water Polo Team. He is at the pool between 4-6 times a week plus an hour of dry land training on Tuesday at Champion's Quest athletic training academy ( In the left picture Ted is wearing the white cap)