Tuesday, May 4, 2010

San Diego Wild Animal Park

After the water polo tournament was over we stopped at the San Diego Wild Animal Park on the way home for Travis.

Ted got the ducks to eat out of his hand. Travis was more interested in the geese and he got them to eat out of his hand.

We rode on the new journey into Africa tram. You can n longer see any of the Asian exhibits unless you go on a special savanna safari trip which costs more money of course. The lion camp exhibit was the boys favorite. We even got to see them up close and moving.

Water polo tournament - San Diego

Ted played goalie for the 10 and under team. They finished 15th in the tournament.
Here is one of his blocks from the tournament.
He also played for the 12 and under team. They took third in the tournament and got medals.

Monday, May 3, 2010

San Diego Zoo

We were at San Diego for a big water polo tournament over the weekend. We started are adventures by visiting the San Diego zoo before the games started. Travis loves zoos so we went since he had to go to water polo even though he doesn't play. We only spent 4 hours there. We never did get to see the pandas or the polar bears because it was not on Travis' agenda. He did like the gorillas though. The whole group was in the viewing window area. They also had a young gorilla about 6 months hold.

This is a dwarf crocodile in the background. The keepers have each one trained to come to a different object for feeding. It was fascinating to watch