Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fort MacArthur Days - July 11, 2009

We attended the annual Fort MacArthur Days in San Pedro July 11, 2009. Fort MacArthur was a WWII outpost that over looked the Los Angeles Harbor Area. It was equipped with guns and artillery to defend the coast from Air or submarine attacks. Each year they have Reenactments of various wars and military displays from Romans to current times. The First reenactment of the day was the taking of Iwo Jima pictured above.

The theme for Ted's summer school this year is Rome, so he was very interested in the Roman villages. He spent several hours there telling the story of Remus and Romulas to all the people. He then learned that Romulas eventually killed Remus because he crawl over his wall he had made around the city.

Travis loved the reenactments. We saw 2 different WWII reenactments, the Spanish America War, and 2 Civil War battles. He got to see a civil war cannon and a gattling gun up close. He also like touring the Fort and the gun tunnels which are empty now. But large cement tubes can be eerie at times.

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