Sunday, April 4, 2010

Winchester Mystery House

We visited the Winchester Mystery House. A little history for those of you who do not know. Sarah Winchester moved to San Jose after the death of her baby and husband. She believed she was being haunted by the spirits of those who were killed by the winchester guns. So she consulted the spirits nightly and built on her house 24 hours a day for 38 years to appease the spirits. To confuse them she had doors to nowhere (pictured to the right it drops 2 stories and does open from the inside), stairs to the ceiling, windows in the floors and other bizarre features. It can be seen on Haunted History, Secret passageways and the ghost hunters TV shows. Ted was excited and asked hundreds of questions and recited information he knew about the house on both tours we took today. I don't have many pictures because you can't take pictures in the house.

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